Spring is just starting where I live in the middle of the US. Thank goodness. The winter of 2019 was one of the worst ever for cold temperatures and snowstorms that wouldn’t stop. There’s something about being able to open the windows let the sunlight in that boosts our energy.  I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of in the mood to start cleaning.  Kind of.  Right now, it’s still too cool for yard work, so instead, let’s do a little inside work.

Let’s do a little spring cleaning on just 3 sections of your LinkedIn. If you spend just 5 minutes on each, you’ll be done in 15 minutes. Really!

Update Your Contact Information Section

Go to view profile, click on “See Contact Info” in your Introduction Card (top box of your profile).  When your 1st connections click on this, they see everything you have listed.  When everyone else clicks on it, they see your LinkedIn profile Url, websites, and your twitter links.

So, start by cleaning up the things everyone can see.

Your LinkedIn Profile URL.  If you still haven’t done it.  Do it NOW!  LinkedIn is basically giving you a free web page just about you. Think of it as your personal career website. I’m talking about your profile page.  Now that you have it, personalize the URL to focus on your name. It’ll help people find you. And you look like you’re taking LinkedIn seriously. Your URL should look something like this:    www.linkedin.com/in/yourname   or www.linkedin.com/in/your-name-with-dashes   or if those are all taken, www.linkedin.com/in/firstnamemiddleinitiallastname.   

You can edit your URL from your edit profile page or Settings & Privacy.

Websites.  LinkedIn lets you list three websites. Double check that the links you have are still good and most importantly, still relevant!  You’d be surprised how many people change employers and forget to update for their new jobs.  Suggestion for what you can list:

Twitter.  If you are still active and professional on Twitter, include the link. Why not? It gives people another way to get in touch with you.  And in reverse, if you have abandoned your Twitter (or it’s what you say there is not appropriate for your LinkedIn audience, remove it.  You can add or remove your Twitter from your account in Settings & Privacy, Account tab, Partner & Services section – Twitter settings.

Skills and Endorsements

If it’s been awhile since you’ve looked at your skills, here’s your chance.  You can do one of three things:

  1. Rearrange your top 3 skills.  If you’re looking to build your endorsement number on a skill, move it to the top 3 so people will notice it.
  2. Delete a couple that are dead and or not relevant.  Note, if you have a lot of endorsements for it, hold off until you have a chance to review who endorsed you to see if they can endorse you for a more relevant skill.
  3. If you’re super happy with what you’ve got, take these 5 minutes to go endorse a few of your connections for skills you have witnessed.

Organizations Section 

Did you even know this one existed?

There’s a good chance that you belong to some organization, either professionally or as a volunteer. Maybe you joined one last year (or two years ago).  Add it.  If you don’t have any listed, click on Add a section – accomplishments – organizations.

If you have all your organizations listed, take this time to review what you have and consider adding a description.  Click on the down arrow in the Organizations section. Scroll down to the organization and click on the edit pencil.

THERE!  In just 15 minutes, you have easily cleaned up three sections of your LinkedIn profile! There, wasn’t that easy?

If you want more advice on cleaning up your LinkedIn, be sure to reach out to me here to schedule a conversation.